The “1 is 2 Many” Campaign Mutation

Nkosi Phillip
2 min readJun 26, 2021

In 2012, the Obama administration launched an awareness campaign targeting domestic violence. They called it “1 is 2 Many”. And it was the short form of “Even being struck once is too much.”
Its main goal was to educate and implore the public on fostering healthy and respectful relationships.

Some took campaigns like these and made their own versions. Such as, “The first day of violence is the last day of marriage.” & “After the first blow lets go.” This implies an absolute annulment of marriage and a single parent home preceding the first instance of violence.

Versions like these did not sit well with religious bodies. As no religion promotes the severing of ties permanently due to violence. It doesn’t matter if that violent conflict occurred between countries, cities, neighbours, family members or spouses. Every faith teaches resolution as the first step and not dissolution.

While scripture may be a proof for some, most campaign leaders were secular and so they were not phased by the threat of a divine being. These groups were largely made up of females and so they had a high percentage of feminists. The feminist teaching of equality between sexes meant that these views also applied to men and so it was taught to their boys. Meaning, a son was taught that if he grew to be man and was stuck by his wife, it was upon him to immediately divorce her and petition the court for custody. And absolutely no mediation was needed. A view that was foreign to our forefathers, both socially and religiously.

